Thamesmead (2020)

March 21, 2021

Thamesmead was my last big project at LondonMet. This project was about two concrete building that are connected through a bridge. The location is situated at CorallineWalk, Thamesmead which is part ofa housing section built 1969 in a bru-talism architectural style. Most of thislocation consist of concrete walkways,open courtyard and plenty of emptyspaces where a 1 and 3 housing blockcan be found. Thamesmead’s special architecturethat made this district popular in the be-ginning soon became aware of its fai-lures: disillusionized residents surroun-ded by cold concrete buildings coatedin graffiti.The houses were linked with elevatedwalkways, so that pedestrians movingbetween the blocks were out of theway of the traffic but these walkwayssoon became unsafe places to walk.At first the Thamesmead’s specialarchitecture made this district popularin the beginning soon became awareof its failures: disillusionized residentssurrounded by cold concrete buildingscoated in graffiti. Many parts of Thamesmead have al-ready been demolished to make roomfor the new housing project of Pea-body Trust. Together with the LondonBorough of Bexley they are planningto deliver around 1,000 new homes atCoralline Walk, Binsey Walk and Sedgemere Road over the next years.Coralline Walk has been vacant for thelast couple of years leaving hundredsof homes empty that are slowly decay-ing.The new concept will transform this lo-athsome area into a sustainable com-munity while the new development pro-cess of the owner Peabody Trust is stillin the planning stage for the next years.


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